It is an original steering wheel of RINGA SPECIAL realized by the processing technique of the mega technical center company. I finished the main plate at the alumite finish when I sharpened it and matched a color with from soup stock by the exclusive design to match a body of RINGA. As for the main plate (pace = 70mm) of the original design, a logo of issei and GreenClayFish is containing it. The backside of the smooth curved surface gave lightweighting by the processing without meat as much as possible. I designed design, finish, all to match RINGA. The knob of the steering wheel is a flat knob shape of the escalope hollow structure made of Fino titanium and is a feeling of grip sticking to it with moisture. A logo of "issei" and "LIVRE" is containing it on the side. From a slit, I can see the alumite of the internal knob color and balance dress-up with lightweighting. Because there are many hollow parts, it is sensitive, and about 3 g are finished to light weight than mer dia, too.
■ハンドルスペック ・自重(ハンドル単体):30.09g ・メインプレート単体重量:5.34g ・ハンドル長:70mm ・ハンドル素材超々ジュラルミン ・ノブ素材チタン ・ベアリング4BB ・対応:ダイワ、メガバス、アブ、五十鈴シャフト径8mm ・製造国MADE IN JAPAN for MIE
All super precious accessories perfection!!
・一誠 issei x メガテック リブレ MEGATECH LIVRE
フォア ミリオネア 凛牙 70mm
Original Short Handle
for Millionaire RINGA 70mm
It is an original steering wheel of RINGA SPECIAL realized by the processing technique of the mega technical center company. I finished the main plate at the alumite finish when I sharpened it and matched a color with from soup stock by the exclusive design to match a body of RINGA. As for the main plate (pace = 70mm) of the original design, a logo of issei and GreenClayFish is containing it. The backside of the smooth curved surface gave lightweighting by the processing without meat as much as possible. I designed design, finish, all to match RINGA. The knob of the steering wheel is a flat knob shape of the escalope hollow structure made of Fino titanium and is a feeling of grip sticking to it with moisture. A logo of "issei" and "LIVRE" is containing it on the side. From a slit, I can see the alumite of the internal knob color and balance dress-up with lightweighting. Because there are many hollow parts, it is sensitive, and about 3 g are finished to light weight than mer dia, too.