Four Pillars of Destiny: Unlocking the Mysteries of Life 八字洩天機 Jerry King 英文 四柱推命 命理 占い 190609
■□Four Pillars of Destiny: Unlocking the Mysteries of Life 八字洩天機 Jerry King 英文□■
【著者】Jerry King 【発行社】Createspace Independent Pub 【発行年月日】2012年 【内容】四柱推命に関する英文書籍です。 【状態】表紙にスレあり。本文の経年ヤケは気にならない程度です。その他、書き込み、破れなどは見当たらず、古書としては良い状態だと思います。(見落としはご容赦願います) 【目次】 Author's Preface Chapter 1. ■Introduction ・Controversies in Four Pillars Chapter 2. ■Rob Wealth(劫財) ・Ro Wealth at its Finest: The Story of Nick Leeson and the Collapse of Barings(劫財無情) ・When Output Breeds Wealth, Rob Wealth Reaves Fortune(食傷生財、比劫奪財) Chapter 3. ■Life ・Don't Dream About Changing Life's Blueprint(不要妄想改命運) Chapter 4. ■Four Pillars Palaces ・Determining the Palaces in Four Pillars(星宮相配) Chapter 5. ■Relationships ・Rivalry and Relationships(羊刃與感情) ・Too Many Guide Stars: Romance and Love(恋愛與失恋) ・Greed for Wealth Ruining Resources(貪財壊印) ・Four Pillars and Giving Birth(八字與児女) ・Adjusting Element(調候用神) ・Absence of an Element(五行欠陥) ・Plan of Action for Romance ・Tormenting Life(辛苦命) Chapter 6. ■Death and Reality Chapter 7. ■The Fate of a Nation Chapter 8. ■Eating God Controllimg Killings - Fame and Status Chapter 9. ■The Good and The Bad - Examples from the Classics Chapter10. ■Young Talent Chapter11. ■Going to Jail Conclusion Appendix
【発行社】Createspace Independent Pub
Author's Preface
Chapter 1.
・Controversies in Four Pillars
Chapter 2.
■Rob Wealth(劫財)
・Ro Wealth at its Finest: The Story of Nick Leeson and the Collapse of Barings(劫財無情)
・When Output Breeds Wealth, Rob Wealth Reaves Fortune(食傷生財、比劫奪財)
Chapter 3.
・Don't Dream About Changing Life's Blueprint(不要妄想改命運)
Chapter 4.
■Four Pillars Palaces
・Determining the Palaces in Four Pillars(星宮相配)
Chapter 5.
・Rivalry and Relationships(羊刃與感情)
・Too Many Guide Stars: Romance and Love(恋愛與失恋)
・Greed for Wealth Ruining Resources(貪財壊印)
・Four Pillars and Giving Birth(八字與児女)
・Adjusting Element(調候用神)
・Absence of an Element(五行欠陥)
・Plan of Action for Romance
・Tormenting Life(辛苦命)
Chapter 6.
■Death and Reality
Chapter 7.
■The Fate of a Nation
Chapter 8.
■Eating God Controllimg Killings - Fame and Status
Chapter 9.
■The Good and The Bad - Examples from the Classics
■Young Talent
■Going to Jail
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